Sunday, September 02, 2007

Dareck starts school Tues. I cannot believe our baby boy is a SENIOR! Time sure does fly by! He has had a good summer: concerts, Busch Gardens, skateboarding, lots of late nights with friends, beach, swimming, his new favorite thing, Guitar Hero....he can rock out on that thing! He continues to work at the diner as a dishwasher. He does a really nice job at making his Moma (Lady Bug) feel special. We have some fun. : )

We got his SENIOR pics back. They turned out very nicely. He has sooo much hair and looks so much like Clint did waaaaaaaay back in the day. I tease him and tell him I finally have my girl. He is soooo handsome; I just cannot believe my baby boy is 17 and a SENIOR! Brace yourself Grandparents...I do not foresee a haircut in the near future. If you would like to take a look at them, you can follow the directions below. You will have to make up an account, but it is easy and free. They are under James Waggoner.

To view the portraits, go to . If you don't have an existing account,click the Create Account button. Once your account is created, add the images using the information below: Session ID: 25511346 Access Code: G3G8C

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