These gorgeous folks are our peeps, The Lowery's. : ) The graduate is Jordan Amanda. Heather and I were pregnant with Jordan and Dareck at the same time. I gave birth in Waukegan, Ill. May of 1990 and she gave birth to Jordan June of 1990 in Portsmouth, Va. We spent our first two years in the Navy together. First, meeting in Orlando, Fl. when Randy was 2 and Heather was pregnant with Robbin (pictured here). Then, 4 months later, we moved together to Great Lakes, Ill. And finally, to Virginia Beach. Ironically, Clint went to boot camp with Derek, Chris' younger brother. Clint and Derek were good friends and Derek told him to look up his brother, Chris, when he got to Fl. CJ never thought he would find Chris, but on his very first day of checking in, the guy in front of him was bent over signing in and what did he have stenciled on his butt??? Why, it was the name LOWERY... Clint says he does not remember what was said, but they came to realize who each other was and we have been the best of friends for the last 19 years. Chris and Clint were both in school for ET training in the Navy so that is how we were able to spend the first two years together. When it was time for 'Real' orders, we tried and tried to get orders together but were unable to do so. As a result, the Lowerys went to Maine, and the Waggoners went to Guam (where we happened to meet those people named Tom and Chandra). The Lowerys and Waggoners went 7 years without seeing each other, however, in June of 1997, we drove from Texas to South Carolina and walked in to their house as if we had never been separated. They had Justin while in Maine so we got to meet him. We had the best time playing games, enjoying Chris' gourmet cuisine, and just catching up. Our favorite game to play with the WHOLE gang is Pictionary. After Texas, we moved to Jacksonville, Fl. and got to see each other more frequently. And while we were in Sicily, they came to see us and we had the most amazing time! Now, they live in Atlanta and altho we do not get to see each other as often as we would like, no amount of time or distance can take away our memories, our bond or our love for each other. Congratulations on your Graduation Jordan; Robbin, enjoy your Sophomore year of college; Justin, enjoy High School : ) Chris and Heather...Baby Steps. : ) Love you all!
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