Thursday, December 27, 2007

As I sit here writing this and putting the many, many pictures on so you can see what we have been up to...I cannot help but relive these last few months, especially the last three weeks and feel so outrageously blessed, lucky, happy and even sad. Clint came home, and just in time for my birthday, Tom and Chandra came for a wonderful visit, Randy got to come home and gave Clint a wonderful surprise. It was so fantastic! Cynthia and Keith came and boy did we have some fun! And, for the first time since Jan. 27th, were able to be a whole family again.

Randy and Dareck are here playing guitar hero and it is so wonderful to hear them talk to each other as friends, and hear their laughter. Tomorrow it will come to an end as Randy has to go back to Ca. Clint left a week ago and it feels like it has been a year since I have seen him. But, we are looking forward to April or May when CJ will return for good, at least from Iraq, and then in June, we will all be together as a family again when we go out to see Randy in California.

During the holidays, I feel sadness for all of those (people AND animals) who are suffering; all of those who are alone, hungry, cold.... I am in a state of gratitude everyday at just how blessed I am. Despite the sadness and heartache that touch each of our lives (loss of pet, sick family member, struggling marriage, strained family relationships, money problems, poor health, separation from those we love most), there is good and purpose within it all; there are lessons, blessings. My wish is that you can find them and feel them. I pray you feel loved, appreciated, valued, grateful, blessed and that 2008 will bring you love, laughter, and joy as well as the ability and desire to do for others. Perform random acts of kindness, Pay it forward, do something that makes you feel good to be alive! I wish you enough.....of whatever makes you happiest!

This has been a year full of heartache, sadness, joy and accomplishments, and through it all, I have had the love and support of my wonderful family and friends, to whom I am eternally grateful and indebted to; however, none of it would be possible without the undying love, forgiveness and gift of life from my Savior, Jesus Christ.

Enjoy the update and HAPPY 2008 to you! :) Please feel free to leave comments and remember, you can click on each picture to enlarge it.

Much love, Kat & Crew :)

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