Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday, March 13th, 2009

...and we're off to ATLANTIC CITY!!!!!!!!!!!! This marks the beginning of our BIRTHDAY GETAWAY EXTRAVAGANZA for the 40 year old that is CLINT J WAGGONER! :)

We did this last Oct for Tom in West Virginia, we will do this in Sept for Chandra (location is a surprise so you will have to wait until after we go) , and in Dec for me in NEW YORK CITY.... But for now, it is ALL ABOUT THE CLINT!! We have a great 5 days planned. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! We love you!! Sit back and enjoy the ride-funny that he and Tom are asleep in the pic above.....hee hee hee. Chan and I drove to Jersey, the guys will drive home.

HERE WE ARE!!!! ATLANTIC CITY BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBY!!!

our view from our hotel room. We stayed at the Wyndham Hotel right off the Boardwalk. : )

HOT DOGGIE!!!! : ) WE MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We unloaded our stuff and hit the casinos and boardwalk!!!! : ) woooohoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Saturday, March 14, 2009~

Adventure Aquarium
Camden, New Jersey

oh yah, they're THAT cool! : )

Happy Birthday CJ : )

We surprised Clint with his first of two BIG adventures (tomorrow is #2 with the hot air balloon). He and Tom swam with the sharks and stingrays! ; )

hee hee hee hee hee......ohhhhhhhhhh hee hee hee hee hee

the stingray tank. They got to get down and play with them, pet them, hug them, squeeze them and kiss them....AND call them George! :)

they swam with the fishies! : )

THEY SURVIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

loooove these guys!!!!!

u tawkin to me????