Saturday, January 31, 2009

August 2008

So....we have these massive rainstorms here in Suffolk with tornado like winds that suck our trampoline into our neighbor's yard and bust out his windows, blow down his fence annnnnnnnnnd shatter our Tom and CJ are trying to tie everything down to prevent this from happening again! It goes as quickly as it comes and we are left with big messes! craaaaaaaaaazy!

August 2008


oh yes she did....

Mom took us to that bad place where they cut things off of us that should never be cut!!!

sweet lil babies....

poor pug....

The puppies had their little yoohoos snipped today and Lil Luigi is getting some luvn from Moma Pug and his big bubba . how precious :)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Lil' Luigi........:) Aug. 2008

Luigi loves to get on the diving get the full cuteness of this I had to be in the water with my camera.....Clint was a LITTLE nervous but yah, I'm THAT good! : ) I'll do almost anything for a good picture.

Oh, Mario.....:) Aug 2008

This little yellow toy is Mario's 'BABY.' He HAS to have his 'BABY' when he wakes up or he goes crazy running thru the house looking for it. It is precious!!!

August 2008

Mario is a sock thief.....: )

Thursday, January 29, 2009

What? promised earlier, here is Gunther. It is my friend's (Jen Young) new addition to her family. He s quite a big boy weighing over 100# at a ripe old age of 8 months. :) We call the play dates with the Pugs and Great Dane PANE. Pug +, it is very painful...they are crazy wild together as you can see!

Friday, January 23, 2009

they call him....... GUNTHER :)

Friday, January 16, 2009