Monday, February 15, 2010

Luigi is a posin pug :)

The boys like to chill outside : )

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Because my husband is the BEST ONE EVER!!!!!!!!!!! cheer me up when Randy left for Iraq, he got me HARDWOOD FLOORS for downstairs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOO excited!!! Part of me will miss the carpet...but I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeallllllllly wanted hardwood too. Thanks Herman! You are my hero!!!!!!!!!!! I love you baby!

~Happy Birthday America~

For our annual 4th of July party, I told everyone they had to bring some type of goodie for Randy. I used all of these goodies to put together Randy's FIRST box to send to Iraq. We love you Randy and miss you every single day. Words cannot express how very proud we are of you. Thank you for your sacrifice. We celebrate you as well as all of our military today. Happy Birthday America.

4th of July at the Waggoner's

This flag pen is from Mamaw and I promised Randy I would wear it every single day that he was in Iraq.,,and I did. :)

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Now, THAT's the way to welcome home someone you love. ;)

CALI OR BUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay...well...I have posted this everywhere else so of course I need to put it on 'THE BLOG."

Randy J GRADUATES today from his school down in NC. So, tonight, we will be headed to CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are gonna make a pit stop in Texas so he and the family, most of them anyway, can visit. Theeeeeeeeeeeeen, we will take off from Texas Sat, arriving in Sunny San Diego Sun. We should be able to move right into his house. He and Stacie are getting a place and I am very excited to help them set up and get settled; and I am BUSTING to see my Cowface again! Clint will be coming out there the 14th for an inspection so he will get to hang with us a while, woohoo!. Unfortunately, Dareck will be here with the puggies holding down the fort, being the fantastic pug watcher and most awesome college boy ever! He will start a new term next week.

June 22nd, I will come back home to Va, CJ will go to Mississippi for another inspection and soon after that, our sweet Randy J will have to head to Iraq. But, for now, I am focusing on the HAPPY and I am so excited to have this time with him. We will have LOTS of fun on our CALI OR BUST trip! I have the cooler filled, snacks packed, music and games all ready to go! : )

Dareck takes his finals this week. GOOD LUCK DARECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT BABY BOY!! I am SOOOO proud of you! : ) Thank you for taking care of the babies. Now, you and Dad will have uninterrupted WOW time.....oh boy! : ) Enjoy! Wish you could go with will be with us in spirit......I KNOW you HATE missing the LONG road trip! :) hee hee

Clint has been SMOKE FREE for TWO MONTHS now!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO! Way to go Babe!!! YOU CAN MAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lady Bug, Mario & Luigi are as precious as ever!!! It physically hurts me to think of missing a moment with my Herman, Baby Boy, or my pug babies...But, for now, this Moma needs to be in a Penske truck with her HOOYAH of an older son making memories to last a lifetime. : )

Please pray for my guys, please pray for our mililtary, please pray for me.

A special CONGRATS to all of the nieces, nephews, Godchildren and friends who have finished school.......Congrats on your accomplishments and good luck in your coming year! But for now...IT'S SUMMER TIME!!!!!!! Auntie Kat and Uncle Clint's pool is open for business so come on over!!! : )

until next time....................It's CALIFORNIA OR BUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

My gorgeous guys!!!

It's ok....I know you hate me! Who wouldn't!!! My handsome men!!! How lucky am I!!!! I love you guys to pieces!!!! Facial hair and all! : )

Saturday, May 30, 2009

~guy time~

Clint, Dareck and Tom met at Randy's house to help Randy work on his Chevy Nova. He has to get it back together so he can ship it back to California. The guys are all alone with no women...Chandra is in Raleigh and I am here in Va., so they are having some good ole fashion guy time. : ) Tomorrow, Chandra and kids will meet all of the guys for lunch to say good-bye to Randy. He has finished his school (way to go RJ!) and has orders....CALIFORNIA! Stacie is VERY happy, needless to say!

Soooooo, Tuesday, he will be leaving for California and I am lucky and blessed enough (thanks Herman!) to get to ride along with him. ROAD TRIP! You can just imagine my delight, can't you! : ) OH BOY! I am BUSTING with excitement!!! : ) We are gonna stop over in Texas to see the familia, so that will be great. And I am very excited to get to CA and see my cowface, Stacie. :)

I will get to stay and help Randy and Stacie get settled in their new house. June 14-19th, CJ will be out there for an inspection so we will get to hang out together, and with RJ and Stacie in sunny san dog for another week. After that, CJ will go to Mississippi for a week for another inspection and I will come home to Boogie (Dareck) and Puggies.

And then, sadly for us, exciting for him, Randy will be heading to Iraq. I am not really prepared for this and have no idea how to go about getting that way. So, that is all I will say about it, except to beg you to keep my Randy along with the other service members in your prayers.

Dareck is doing great in college. We are so proud of him! Puggies just had a check up and are all healthy and happy. Lady Bug is almost completely blind and has pugritis (arthritis to everyone else) but she is a trooper and we will do everything we can to treat her like the PUG QUEEN that she is! : ) She will be 9 this year....:(

Have a great weekend.

Love, Kat : )

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

CJ has done some work around the yard for me this last week...even tho he has been sick. Thanks Herm! You are sooo sweet!

Monday, May 25, 2009

ufc pugs :)

This is how the boys show Daddy how much they appreciate his 20 years of dedication to our country. : )

~Happy Memorial Day 2009~

My Sailor Man ; ) I love you baby.

a great day : )

It was a great day with our friends, the Young's. Thanks for coming over guys. We love you and look forward to our next get together.

For some reason, I did not get any pics of either of our boys.....They swam, we ate, played games (Yahtzee, of course!), lounged around, ate some more, you notice how the pugs always seem to be following the food????

hee hee hee

puggies : )